
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question relating to a Royal Guardian product or your loan, chances are other people have had the same question too. So, we've compiled a short list of some of the most commonly asked questions for your reference.
If you have a question that hasn't been covered here, please feel free to contact the Royal Guardian Client Services Team direct on 1300 888 077 and we will happily look into your query. |
How do I know how much money I can borrow? By simply using the calculator labeled "How much can I borrow" you will be able to asertain how much you can borrow.
What information is required when lodging a loan application? This will depend on the loan that you are applying for, for more information please refer to the product outlines available on this web site
How long does it take to approve my loan application? Royal Guardian will provide you with a Conditional Approval Generally within 24-48 hours of your full application being submitted. This is on the provision that there is no other information required from you. |
How do I increase my repayment amount or frequency? Please contact Royal Guardian's Client Services department on 1300 888 077
What methods can I use to make loan repayments? This will depend on your loan type. Most accounts accept Salary Crediting, Direct debit or Internet banking.
What facilities are available through internet banking? The Facility's available on internet banking include redrawing funds from your account, the ability to view your account statements and on some accounts you will have the ability to complete BPAY's
How do I change my direct debit account details? You will need to contact Royal Guardian's friendly client services team on 1300 888 077. They will provide you with a new direct debit form that you will need to fill out and send back. |
How do I increase my repayment amount or frequency? You can send or fax a request which has been signed by all borrowers to the 'Client Services Team' outlining: - your account number (refer to 'Settlement Letter')
- the amount you wish to increase your repayment to
- the frequency of repayment (please note that weekly
repayments are not available on all loans)
- the date you wish these changes to take effect
- we will contact you to confirm these changes
What methods can I use to make loan repayments? All loan repayments can be made by direct debit or salary crediting. If you wish to commence salary crediting, please notify 'Client Services' with the following information: - A letter from you requesting that existing direct debits be cancelled.
- A letter from your employer confirming the amount and frequency of the salary credit.
- You will need to contact the Client Services Team direct on 1300 888 077 to obtain BSB and account numbers to supply to your payroll/employer.
NB: Salary crediting is not available to self employed customers Extra repayments can be made via:- Phone banking
- Internet banking
- By contacting our Client Services Team direct
on 1300 888 077 Extra repayment option not available on all Fixed Rate Loan Products. Please call Royal Guardian Client Services on 1300 888 077 to confirm your loan product.
What facilities are available through internet banking? In general, you can access the following information through our internet banking services:
- View your balance and transaction history
- Order and print statements
- Make extra repayments
- Re-draw surplus payments
- View your current repayment details
- Check your direct debit account
- Transfer between accounts
How do I change my direct debit account details? You can amend your direct debit details using any of the following methods:
- Print off the 'Direct Debit' form available from your internet banking site or contact the Royal Guardian Client Services Team direct on 1300 888 077
and request that a new 'Direct Debit' form be sent out to you in the mail. Please note that faxed copies cannot be accepted.
- Send the completed, signed document to;
Royal Guardian Mortgage Corporation Client Services Level 1, 4 Railway Parade, Burwood NSW 2134
- Be sure to allow sufficient time (48hrs) for your amendment request to be processed and put in place prior to the due date of your next scheduled repayment. Dishonour fees are payable on all dishonoured transactions.
Can anyone else call and make enquiries about my Loan/Accounts? The current Privacy Act is enforced to ensure your privacy in dealing with many institutions, including Royal Guardian. For this reason, we are unable to disclose any information about you or your dealings with us, unless you have instructed us to do so.
If you require us to communicate with someone else regarding your loan on your behalf, please forward a letter or fax advising us of the following information:
- Your home loan account number (refer to your settlement letter).
- The full name of the person you are instructing us to speak to.
- The nominated persons date of birth (so we can confirm their identity over the phone).
- Permission to discuss your loan account details with them.
- Signatures of all account holders.
Please Note: The person/s you nominate will be able to contact us at any time to discuss your loan details or supply information to us, however, they will not be able to make changes to your loan on your behalf. If at any time your account falls overdue, we are unable to contact your nominated person/s to make arrangements for payment. |